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    |   /::\~\:\  \   /:/|:|__|__   |
    |  /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/ |::::\__\  |
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     -- - -- E a s y M i n a -- - -- 
    | change the world with zk tech |  

EasyMina is a beginner-friendly Node.js module that assists you in creating a bare-bones environment for the Mina blockchain.

The goal is to offer developers a smooth entry into zk-snark development by creating a minimal workspace that focuses their attention on the structure. The simple setup indirectly explains fundamental rules. Additionally, best practices are built-in by default, such as key encryption and the inclusion of a .gitignore file with exclusions for the credential folder and its associated keys.


Method Description
.createAccounts() Create and save new accounts.
.requestContract() First step in creating and saving a smart contract.
.saveContract() Second step in creating and saving a smart contract.
.getAccount() Retrieve a saved account.
.getDeployedContract() Retrieve a saved contract.
.loadModuleExperimental() Experimental method for importing a smart contract.

Happy building!